Wednesday 14 March 2012

Ashes to Beauty

I wasn't sure about signing up to the Ashes to Beauty online class because as you know I am not renowned for finishing these things.   Anyway Nana assured me that she would hold me totally accountable for finishing it - facebook messages, skype calls and emails were threatened!!!

It is a 4 week course with a preparation section before week 1.  It also includes creative exercises.   I made another journal like the one I made at Dina's class so that as different things are revealed during the class so they are echoed in the journal with the pages covering hidden nooks and crannies!

I made the cover with the title of the course.

Here are the first two creative exercises

 which sit like this in the journal

Then the third creative exercise.

Here's the last creative challenge for week one which is now finished.

Of course I should be half way through week 2 by now but I shall keep focused on it.


  1. I've not read any blogs for the past month so its been nice to catch up and see all the things you have made - you have been busy! Love the tags you made with Annalise - congratulations on the design team post too.

  2. Looking good so far Bernice. I wish you the best on this journey, it sounds amazing!!
    I too have a hard time finishing classes! lol

  3. Hi. I have used your 'ashes to beauty' picture as part of my blog post. I hope that's ok. I have included a link to say that it's from here. This is the link to my post
    God bless you - and thank you for your beautiful picture.
