Thursday 29 March 2012

Scrapboook Life Journal for March

It was my intention to make the Ashes to Beauty course my focus for March and I did really well for the first two weeks.  Then we went away (see this post) and I didn't ever make it to the start of Week 3.

On Tuesday and today it was my intention to work on the questions from Ashes to Beauty but procrastinated instead.   However not my usual style of procrastination - as in time wasting or catching up on all the programmes I've recorded and not watched!  No, this time I filled my time with creative projects - either my Art Every Day journal or my Scrapbook Life Journal.

So although March still has a couple of days to go I am pleased to say that I have finished all my entries in my Scrapbook Life Journal for March.   You can find more information about my Life Journal here, here and here.

So, on to March.
This is the March divider page.
 The focus for this month was Talents and Abilities.  Last year I did an online course called 'She has 3 hearts' during which I asked my friends and family to describe me in 3 words.  I used their words for this page.

 I have continued to walk each week.

 This poem was used in session 8 of the Freedom in Christ course and I it really 'spoke' to me so I thought I would include it.
 I had a minor tantrum about the fact that I had 'killed' my phone and had spent hours trying to revive it.   A friend had put this as her Facebook status and I really needed to read it! So to remind me I have included it in my scrapbook.
 And my last two walks for March.

If you want to find out more about Ashes to Beauty please read Nana's blog.  If you go to her page and sign up please let her know you found her from my blog.  Thanks.  And do come back and tell me you have signed up.  It is well worth it.  I can tell from how much procrastinating I'm doing!!!

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