Thursday, 19 April 2012

A Blog Award! How lovely!

  How exciting!  I have received a blog award from Rooby Whishes.  I won't go into full Award Ceremony speech mode but thank you Rooby and thanks to all my readers.  I really appreciate that you spend your time here.  I follow at least 75 blogs so choosing just 5 has been difficult.

Apparently Liebster I have now found out is a German word meaning beloved or dearest, so I am really  flattered to have been awarded it.

The honour of accepting the award is traditionally done in the following way:

1. show thanks to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to their blog

2. choose 5 blogs with less than 200 followers and let them know about your nomination by leaving a comment on their blog

3. post the award on your blog!

So here are the names of  blogs that I LOVE to visit, I hope you will enjoy visiting them too, 
and maybe even become a follower, if like me you like what you see!

And do read Carolyn's Finding Fun blog post and join us in having fun starting tomorrow


I would love you to leave me an encouraging comment. Don't forget to put your name. I love to know who is commenting. Thank you.