Monday, 1 September 2014

A finished journal and an announcement

Here is my finished Honour Journal.

The Honour Bible Study will remain live on the blog so if you haven't followed along with it through August it's there whenever you would like to use it.

So what's next you might be thinking?   Well follow this link to find out.

1 comment:

  1. I am in the middle of the study at this point. I am thoroughly enjoying it. I do the readings and ponder them and then listen to the music and let God communicate to me. I usually get a picture. I then sketch it as 1. I am not an artist and 2. I am a little pressed for time. I find that over the rest of the day God continues to take me deeper into the understandings as He points out things to me. Thank you so much for all your work in preparing these. I am sending the URL to my daughter today because she said she needed a study to start on . I thought that the way this is presented would be easier for her as she has 4 children around her all the time. I am sure they will enjoy the music videos as well because they are all worshipers. Again thanks so much.


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