Saturday, 6 September 2014

Doors, Gates and Openings

If you read yesterday's post you know we had 3 days away in Somerset.  I wanted to go to Montacute House.  We also managed to go to Barrington Court, Tintinhull Garden and Lytes Cary Manor.

I love to take photos of patterns and flowers.  But this time I seemd to be drawn to gates and gateways, and openings in hedges.  There are a lot of photos in this post!

Chard in Somerset

 Barrington Court, Somerset

Interestingly (well to me anyway!) the one place I didn't take photos of gates and opening is Montacute.

Tintinhull Garden

 Lytes Carey Manor

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Tor

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You have such an eye for beauty, bernice! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love love love doors as well and gates - love gates too!


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