Tuesday 30 December 2014

Tenerife at Christmas

We were only home for two weeks after getting back from the States before we were off again for a 6 day stay in Tenerife.
The view of the square in La Orotava from the roof of our hotel.

The Canary Islands have never been on my wishlist of places to visit but we wanted to go somewhere warm and Tenerife didn't disappoint either in warmth or interesting places.  And I have 643 photos to prove it!   However I won't show you all of them but beware this is a photo heavy post.

For this blog post I'll concentrate on the Nativity scenes we saw at various places.   The work involved in them is spectacular.

On our first night we walked down to the square and found this amazing nativity scene with people-sized figures.  Just like last year where we found Jesus was born in Madeira, the Canarians incorporate the Nativity into their culture.

 Sorry some of the photos weren't as clear as they should have been.   While we were in the aquare these folks turned up.

Opposite the square there was a room with this model in it.

We visited Garrachio and this model was on show.

This was in the room next door.

And this was in the last room.

On Christmas Eve we went to La Laguna and saw yet another Nativity.  I didn't take so many photos this time!  The model was behind glass and yet again featured Canarian life to such an extent that the Nativity scene was a small part in the right hand corner!

 We loved the attention to detail.

Our last Nativity scene was found on Christmas Day.   These were taken in Santa Cruz in the Parliament building.

 We loved that there were Pelicans.
 Well done if you've got this far.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gosh that is some nativity spectacle! It is wonderful to travel and appreciate customs in other countries. I'm glad that you found the warmth and experience you were looking for, it certainly looks a Christmas to remember.


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