Sunday, 28 December 2014

My word for 2015

I have been choosing one word for the year for a while now.  You can see my words here:
Restore 2011        Focus 2012
Present 2013        Participate 2014

I have used Ali Edward's One Little Word classes for these words but this year I am taking part in logos365.  Watch this video to find out more.

Logos365 is part of the His Kingdom Come Community.   Do check it out if you haven't already joined.  It's a really exciting venture and I am thrilled to be part of the Foundation Team that set it up.

So back to my word for 2015.

I downloaded the worksheets from the logos365 group on His Kingdom Come and read through them but didn't fill them in.   I prayed a bit and thought a bit and left it at that.   In the early hours of the next morning I was awake and I felt that God was telling me what my word should be.

When I've chosen words in the past I haven't really asked God for the word.  I have worked on the basis that if the Holy Spirit is living in me and the word that I have chosen fits with what God has been saying to me through the Bible, through sermons or through people praying for me then God was part of the decision-making.

Participate has been a great word for me through 2014.   The Documented Life Planner project served its purpose through most of the year.  I had put Participate or one of its synonyms at the top of every weekly page which kept the word in front of me.  I filled it with things that I had done and kept it up right through to October.  The last week that I filled in was week 43.

And then I started participating in setting up His Kingdom Come and working on Pause, Ponder & Prepare and getting ready to go to Florida and really taking part in my life.  Woohoo!   So I stopped living by proxy in my planner and got on with life.   Yeah!    And I had the best time with all the family in Florida but especially with Andy & Naomi and Roger.

 So 2015's word had been suggested and I wasn't enamoured.  Which is often an indication that actually I need to do something about it.   I thought about it - because that's what I do!

Then I had a look at the worksheets again and thought about the questions and thought about my answers.  I didn't write anything down - do you know that feeling about somehow you are more committed to something if you've written it down?  There's sometimes a fear in opening up even to yourself on paper.   Which is daft really, when you think about it, becuase you're writing down the thoughts in your head - which you already know!

So what is the word, you may be wondering?   Well, it's
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”   John 4:13

I'm not sure where this will take me in 2015 but I will be writing about it here.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Your word has such possibilities! I've selected my word and will blog about it soon.

  2. I can totally relate to everything in the story. To not really praying to God about the word and not being thrilled about the new word. I will be blogging about mine soon too. I am also going to be taking part in Logo365 this year. Good Luck with your word!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. My word for brillaint for me last year but I haven't had a definite one for this year, just a couple of possible. I'd given up on finding my word for 2014 but you've encouraged me to persevere.


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