Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Honesty Trilogy

My third and final post about my Honesty book.

The first post was about the workshop.

The second post was about the cutting up!

And now the third post.  A short video showing the completed book.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I love it Bernice! I am getting more and more ideas for doing some little decorated journals of my own. I have several old books without pages from Etsy and two journals, one with plain pages but decorated covers and another with all kinds of cool of little folded pages, tags etc. I love the colors you used with the printed pages and quotes. I guess that's why I haven't been doing as much on TMD and stuff, I need to at least do a few so I gessoed some pages tonight. Thanks for the ideas and prompts.

  2. Love this! Beautiful work :)

  3. Good to see it finished Bernice, Well done. :-)


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