Sunday, 1 May 2016


So as I said in my Last Days in Florida post, I flew to Detroit where Mary & her husband picked me and took me to their home in Toledo, Ohio.

The next morning Mary and I took the scenic route through Elmore, Oak Harbor, Port Clinton,Lakeside, Marblehead Point, Sandusky and Huron to Beulah Beach where Mary had rented a cabin for us.

This is Lakeside.  There was also a village which had virtually no-one living it.  It appears it's only a summer village.

We drove on to Marblehead Point where this lighthouse was.

And this is where the Lighthouse Keeper used to live.

Lake Erie at Marblehead Point.

Here's the cabin we stayed in.

And this is the view from the front door.

Mary spotted this eagle as we went out to dinner.

This was the sunset when we got back.

The next morning we went out to photograph the sunrise.  Which was not as early as you might think. 

The heron flew away just as I got the focus sorted out so this is really blurred.  Or will you accept 'soft focus'?  I rather like the image, especially with the reflection in the water.

After breakfast we spent a couple of hours crafting.  I started on my travel journal which I finished when I got home.

Later on our way to Sheldon's Marsh we spotted this traditional barn.

At the Sheldon's Marsh State Nature Reserve we saw fish, birds and turtles.

Later in the day we went to Milan - pronounced My-lan - which turned out to be the birthplace of Thomas Edison.  There was a museum complex which wasn't open which meant we could wander around outside taking photos without people getting in the way.

A little way down the road was Edison's birthplace.

And right next door was the site of the Canal Basin but no-one is allowed to go past the sign.

And this is all we could see of the basin!

We went into the centre and wandered around the square.

This is a very fancy library.

This is an example of the street lamps.

On Monday evening we went to Granny Joe's in Vermillion for dinner.

Next morning the lake looked like this.  I was so glad I had got up the day before for the sunrise.

We visited Old Woman Creek, a National Estuarine Research Reserve.

We came across this gorgeous barn as we walked around.

And Mary spotted lots of birds and even I managed to get some photos.

By the car park there were 3 benches with quotes on.  I liked this one best.

We then made our way back to Detroit Airport and I started my long journey home.  Detroit to Orlando.  Orlando to Dublin.  Dublin to Birimingham.

I have made a short video 'flip-through' of my US travel journal.  Come back tomorrow to see it.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Your pictures turned out so lovely. I'm so glad we had this time together. :)

  2. I just love your travel photos and notes. You seem to catch the "essence" of the place that you are visiting which makes it very interesting to those of us that want to learn and see more. Thank you so much.

  3. Beautiful photos!
    My sweetheart fishes up in Marblehead every other summer - fun to see it from a different perspective!


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