Monday, 23 January 2017

Adventures in Seeing 2

Although in truth this blog post should be entitled Adventures in Seeing 1 but I shared the second exercise with you last week and today I'm sharing the first one.

The first Call to Adventure was to collect images of symbols of openness.  I didn't really want to choose an open door or an open book.

My first thought was the opening of a bud but it's winter and I thought that would be impossible.  However out in our garden there was a winter flowering shrub.

Then I was able to take this at church.

Another obvious symbol of open is a key - it unlocks doors.  I bought these keys for another project.  I just poured them out of the plastic bag and took the photo as they lay jumbled up.

Then I chose some of them and laid them out.

The other idea I had was an open umbrella.  We have some large umbrellas but I really wanted one of those large rainbow golf umbrellas.  Through a shout-out on Facebook I was able to borrow this child's umbrella which has the colour pattern a different way from the golf umbrellas.

I found some interesting patterns inside the umbrella whilst it was in the process of opening.

This week's exercise is to let the photos come to us!  To be open to the unexpected.

Come back next week to find out how I get on.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What an absolutely delightful blog. Wonderful photos and thoughtful comments. Nicely done Bernice!

  2. You have some lovely photos there Bernice but I especially like the shape and patterns of the umbrellas when they were semi open. Interesting idea...


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