Monday, 30 January 2017

This and that!

This week's challenge in Adventures in Seeing was to be open to the unexpected.  To let photos come to us.  To let go and surrender to life as it happens.

So what happened in my life this week.  Well, unexpectedly I tidied my craft room (actually it's the dining room - and judging by the number of books it could be described as a library!)

It had got to a point where I couldn't work in there.  Actually I could hardly get in there.  The floor was so covered in bags containing unfinished projects that it was really difficult to walk round the table.  So here it is tidy:

Much of what I removed from the room went into more bags in my car.

All of this has been delivered to my church to be used in the Creative Studio we are setting up.  We have been given so much stash and once I've sorted the bags pictured and labelled the cupboards and drawers it will be ready for use.

It's been a great project to work on and I am really excited about how we are going to use the space.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That is a good sized craft room. Isn't it nice to get things tidy and manageable? hugs, Teresa

  2. Your room looks lovely and bright to work in. And so tidy too!


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