Monday 6 February 2017


So January came and went and it's February already.  Ali Edwards sent out a new prompt for February for One Little Word.

I decided I would look back at January and see how well I had done with my word.  I included one photo from each of the two weeks I've done from Adventures in Seeing.  I wrote about these here and here.

I also thought I'd work out who I had conected with in real life - as opposed to online - and discovered all these connections.

This was really interesting as I often think that I don't spend time with people other than on Facebook and through emails.  Quite eye-opening really!

So, on to February.  Ali has suggested we all practice one small thing each day and record our progress.  My choice (getting dressed straight after breakfast) might not seem much to you but it's quite a biggie for me.  When I was working I could get up at 6.55am and be out of the house an hour later.  These days it can be as late as 11 o'clock before I get dressed and much of the hours after breakfast are spent in PJs and dressing gown sitting at the computer.  Sometimes I work but mostly it's Facebook and Pinterest.

I didn't set myself the challenge of reducing computer time but interestingly in the days that I've got dressed I have found I have spent less time on the computer.  A win-win really.

Hopefully it will become a proper habit not just something I do for February.

Thanks for stopping by

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