Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Journal Cover

You may remember that I put together a journal for Word of the Year but didn't put a cover on it.

Valerie is doing a series on her blog called Washi Tape Adventures which gives ideas for using all that lovely washi tape you have squirrelled away.   I have such a lot of washi tape so I thought I would use it to decorate the cover of my journal.   First I glued wallpaper lining paper onto my journal using Golden Soft Gel Medium.

I put it under a weight while the glue dried and then trimmed the edges.  I put an extra wide tape down the spine.

I put stripes of washi tape across the front.  I was going to do it with small bits of washi tape - so that there might be 2 or 3 patterns on one line but decided it was too complicated!

I trimmed the edges and put vertical strips.  I folded over the tape on the outside edge.

And then I did the back.  I deliberately didn't match it to the front.

And here it is.  If the tape starts peeling a bit - and it might with handling - I shall Gel Medium over it.

Thanks for joining me today.

Join Our Inspirational Facebook Group: Living Your Word of the Year
Join Mary Brack, Valerie Sjodin and I in our Facebook group where we are giving participants the opportunity to live out an A-Z of their own word throughout 2019.  Mary explains what we are doing in her blog post.  We don't like a lot of rules, so we will have suggestions and options to spark creativity, and to help in recording and exploring our word’s meaning in visual and fun ways. We will each blog about our experiences and our art.

Hashtags on Instagram:  #livingyourword2019

Check out the other blogs:
Mary: www.foundonbrighton.com
Valerie: www.valeriesjodin.com/blog

To ensure you get updates from Valerie, Mary & I why not subscribe to our blogs.

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