Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Just One Day

The photography group theme for this month was 'Just One Day'.  So here is my day in photographs.

 The view from the window when I got up.

I plug in my phone and iPad to charge and then read the day's devotional from Lectio365

Downstairs to have breakfast.  Two Oatibix, an apple and a coffee most days.

Next door's cat surveying his kingdom!  Our garden!!!!

Finishing a book study

Listening to a podcast

Machining a wall hanging

A walk in the garden.  I wish I could capture the birdsong in a photo.

A mid morning coffee with almonds, brazil nuts and dates.

Watching a Carolyn Dube video from Wanderlust 2021

Roger was out so I had baked beans for lunch.  That sounds like I would have eaten him if he'd been at home!!!

Cutting up fabric for a new wall hanging

Trying out the fabrics for the wall hanging

I spent a couple of hours sorting out social media pages for Jubilee Creative.

Cooking the dinner.  Pasta, cooked chicken and a pasta sauce.

Waiting to start the Zoom call with the book study ladies.

I watched SU2C Bake Off and then it was time for bed.

Thanks for joining me today.

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