Saturday, 13 March 2021

Not a Saturday Story

Instead of a Saturday Story this week I thought I would write about my current textile project.  I am working on a wall hanging based on the fabrics I printed when I was at Leah Higgin's studio in 2019. If you go back to the linked blog post you will see that I have already made two pieces with this fabric plus a child's dress.

I cut some of the fabric up into random shapes and collaged them together using Mistyfuse to 'glue' them to a cotton fabric which in turn was 'glued' to acrylic felt and a backing fabric.

I started machining it using a decorative stitch on my machine.  After a few not very straight lines of that I decided to machine with a zigzag stitch and deliberately make the lines wavy.

Having covered the whole piece with machine stitching I then contemplated how to finish it.  Should I leave it as one whole piece - 28 inches square - or as is my wont, cut it up.  I drew different designs on my computer.

Then I tried the bottom two designs with a photo of the machined piece.

Which would you choose?   Which do you think I chose?

Thanks for joining me today

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