Saturday, 26 November 2022

Shape Shift Words

Last weekend I went to Ledbury to Red Earth Arts Studio to do an unusual-for-me workshop.

At lunchtime I nipped out to see the exhibition in the Weaver's Gallery - the half timbered building on the left in the photo above.

In the morning Sara-Jane Arbury led us through several creative writing exercises.  After lunch Jeanette Mcculloch helped us experiment with text and different media.

Our first exercise was to write for 3 minutes starting with the word IF.  I wrote about my experience of getting to Ledbury that morning.

If only!  If only I
If only I had driven a different way.  If only I had taken notice of Google Maps and taken the M5 to the M50.  I'll go home that way.

I wanted to see the Malvern Hills in the sunshine.  I saw them.  I saw the Autumn leaves on the trees.  I saw lots of places in the middle of nowhere because a road was closed.  If only it had been open.

If I'd followed Google Maps I would not have had a problem.  I'll go home that way.

We did three other exercises based on a given word.  The final exercise was based on choosing a type of weather and writing from the point of view of the weather.  I chose the sun.

Here I come
Are you ready?
I've left the southern hemisphere
I'm on my way
Wake up you northerners
I'm here
Ready to warm you up

Do you see how strong I am?
I'm stronger than the wind.
The wind makes you clutch you coat and pull it tight.
My heat undresses you.

Layer upon layer removed.
You bathe in my light.
I can reach high temperatures.
You become unreasonably hot.
You hide in the shelter of shadows
While I bounce high into the sky.

I burn and bake
The land dries up.
Cracks appear
Drought comes
Plants and animals die
Wildfires burn

But still I shine
I burn and bake
Until the south calls my name

I sink below the horizon
And turn my eyes upon the southern hemisphere
Here I come
Are you ready?

I saw this as I walked through Ledbury.

Next time I'll show you the text I played with during the afternoon.

Thanks for joining me today

1 comment:

  1. Loved your words. And your poem blessed me. Its really good when God speaks through creation.
    Jane Brown.xx


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