Tuesday, 1 November 2022

More from New South Wales

This is my last post about our trip to Australia.  In between the 2nd and 3rd Airbnb Roger and I spent a day in Cronulla.  It's built on a promontory

On the left as you look at the map above was a marina.

We walked along the shoreline from the marina and then walked over the hill and down through the park that you can see on the map to the right of the name Cronulla.  This side of the town had beaches.

We took the ferry to Bundeena which was described in the guide book as having been an artists' colony.  It was a disappointment to me that it wasn't an enclave of little gift shops and art galleries.  We had lunch and walked on the beach.  Then got the ferry back to Cronulla and took a train back.

Next day Andy drove us to the New South Wales Rail Museum and then on to River Cottage.  This was a fabulous cottage right in the middle of nowhere overlooking the river.  It rained for hours on end and river rose 3-4 feet in 24 hours.

Fortunately the cottage was high up overlooking the river so there was no possibility of being flooded.  However I did wonder whether the track to the cottage might get washed away by the rain.

We visited the Book Barn which was amazing and then drove on to a pub for lunch.

We had a restful last full day at the cottage.

On our last day we packed up the cottage and drove back to Andy & Naomi's.  After lunch Andy took us to the airport and we came home.

Thanks for armchair travelling with me today

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