Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Choices! Choices!

Having completed the first silk noil book I'm on to the next one or three!

I love to make books in fabric or paper but as I am demonstrating fabric books at the Festival of Quilts in August I am concentrating on fabric ones for a while.  I'm also trying to use up various bits of my stash rather than buying or making new fabrics.

While I was looking for bits and pieces for the now finished book, I found lots of cream and white bits.  I also had a piece of undyed silk noil left which I bonded to a piece of calico.  I cut it  up to make a concertina book.


 Here are some of the bits I found.

And also some neutrals.  I was just going to use cream on cream but I think I shall put some of the neutrals on as well for contrast.

One of my problems is that I start books - for example tearing up the fabric - but don't write down what my plans are.  Consequently I often have fabrics ready to work on but without the thinking to go with it.

This fabric was dyed in 2019.  I was ice dyeing and the silk noil didn't turn out the way I had hoped.  It's only taken nearly 4 years to get round to using it!  The book will be canal themed but I'm still contemplating how to 'decorate' the pages.

Thirdly I have this silk noil which I dyed with robin's egg blue and coral sand.  The initial dyeing was a disaster (darling) and the photos back in 2020 don't really show the colours very well.

Recently I used thermofax screens to add the grey in the hopes of knocking back the coral sand.  I tore the fabric into 6 inch squares as a change from all the rectangles I've been working with.  I wish now I had made them 5 inches but there you are. 

I have enough squares to make two books or maybe a hanging and a book.  Who knows?  I can't remember what I was thinking when I tore the fabric into squares.

And now the choice has to be made!  Which of the three books shall I continue with first?

Thanks for joining me today

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernice

    I love watching your projects take shape and am particularly interested in your books (I love ALL handmade books).
    I would like to see what you do with the ice-dyed and robins egg pieces.


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