Tuesday, 18 July 2023

A hanging book

This is the other book I had not shown completed.  I used the fabrics I had printed at last year's map inspired summer school at Littleheath Barn Studio.

I tore the fabric into 15x10cm rectangles.  I put a long piece of fabric to hold the pieces in place.

I put a layer of cream soft calico and another layer of printed fabric.

I handstitched through all the layers following the patterns made by the breakdown printing.

 It's possible because of the large D rings to hang the book either way up or either side showing.

Oryou can close it up.

Thanks for joining me today

The Festival of Quilts at the NEC  is on from Thursday 3rd August to Sunday 6th August.  I will be showing my books in the Creative Textiles Studio on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


  1. I
    Love this - it’s really beautiful. I don’t know what your original inspiration was, but it reminds me of peeling paint and rust marks on old boats, and eroding rocks , and. Water rivulets on a beach. But there are similar marks along the canal!

    1. Thanks. The fabrics were inspired by maps. I've updated the intro as I see I missed that bit out. I do know what you mean though

  2. such a fine way to assemble related fabrics into a coherent whole


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