Saturday, 8 July 2023

On to the next

You may remember my Completing the Tunnel book post where the book was almost finished apart from how to close it.

Well, I made a cord by using some tapestry wool and the zigzag stitch on my sewing machine.  I made a loop at one end and stitched it onto the closeure fabric.  The cord wraps round the book twice and then goes through the loop and is tied off.

But I've still more of silk noil fabric which I could make a book from.

I've these 6 pieces which are 21x15 cms each.  They already have pieces of Bondaweb ironed on.

So what sort of book should I make with these?  Should they be stitched?  Should I add photos?

What about a cover?  Should I fold it and make another folded book?

Questions! Questions!  Choices!  Choices!

Or shall I put the pieces to one side and do something else for a while?

Thanks for joining me today

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