Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Lunch Crawl around Wiltshire part 1

Last week I went away for four days.  On the first day I drove to The Bull at Hinton to meet my friend Helen for lunch.  We last got together at Festival of Quilts last August so we had quite a bit of catching up to do.

After lunch I drove to Lacock, where I arrived in time to go round Lacock Abbey and its photography museum.

The Cloisters

The Courtyard

Lots of Wild Garlic

Lacock Abbey

Next I checked into the Sign of the Angel - a restaurant with rooms.  It's a very quirky place.  The door to my room had gaps between the door and the frame and also in the door itself.


Sign of the Angel

The buildings opposite

There was a fabulous guest lounge which I made good use of.

Lacock is frequently used as a filming location for costume dramas like the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice amongst many other programmes.

I was hoping that by staying in the village I would be able to walk round after the visitors had gone and see it without people and cars.  I managed to walk round without the visitors, however there are far more poeple living in the village than I thought so there were lots of residents cars.  I tried my best to get car free photos.

I also went for a walk outside the village and found a really good place to photograph the Abbey.

So one lunch meeting down, and two to come.  Such fun.

Day 2 & 3 in my next post.

Thanks for joining me today.

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