Saturday, 6 April 2024

I can't believe it's

finished. And ahead of time. Go me!

For the calm section I drew outlines of rectangles and 3 straight lines on the computer.

 I traced the printout onto Stitch 'n Tear.

 I used a yellow ochre thread to stitch through the Stitch 'n Tear using running stitch.

I added some grey running stitch to connect through from chaos to order.

And here is the finished piece: Total chaos to less chaos to order to calm.

I'm thrilled it's finished.  I'm already thinking about the next piece which is called Dancing in Fetters.

Thanks for joining me today.


  1. Christine Harding6 April 2024 at 09:08

    This is such a thoughtful piece Bernice, and the colours, shapes, threads and stitches evoke feelings of panic and anxiety, and how they can be overcome. This really speaks to me.

  2. Love the detail. It conveys my thoughts totally. Maureen


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