Thursday, 10 November 2011

AEDM ~ 10th November

Well, I'm 10 days in to Art Every Day through the month of November and I'm still going.

A third down.  Two thirds to go.
10 days in.  20 days to go!
33.33% done.  66.66%  to go.

Well you get the picture! 

And here's what I've done today.  It's definitely a technique page.  I'm not sure whther I'm going to do anything else to it or just write what technique I used and leave it that.

What do you think?


  1. Ooooo this one is so pretty,it really can stand alone. Denise

  2. I think it's wonderful - great contrast and lovely design. I'd probably still have to write on it, though, he, he x

  3. I think its lovely just the way it is.


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