Wednesday, 30 November 2011

aRT eVERY dAY mONTH ~ the last day

Well, here it is, the last day of November and the last day of Art Every Day Month.

Today I did a double page in my journal.  I applied the acrylic paints directly to the page on the left, whilst the page on the right had a layer of gesso to start with.

I haven't decided what I am going to do with this background.  I may journal on it about the month's experience.  Or I may not.

In the meantime I would like to thank Leah who set up the challenge.  And thanks to everyone who has visited my blog every day and especially to those who have left comments.


  1. That is a fabulous journal page!! Love all the layers!!!

  2. I think this one is my favourite. The colours are wonderful and that background is amazing. Well done you, for staying with this for a whole month. I'd never manage that x

  3. I love this journal page! The colors are beautiful and it has just the right amount of "stuff" on it.

  4. Wow and you managed everyday too! I am well impressed!

  5. such fun colours & movement!! Great job Bernice...
    keep making art & posting. Glad to have shared this AEDM journey with you. xoxo

  6. Ooh, my favorite colors. Writing about AEDM month is a great idea, but anything would look nice--beautiful background!

  7. Wow this is fantastice. Congratulations on a month of art!

  8. I love the colors in this, and I love the little flags across the top.

  9. These are fantastic pages!!!! I love the colors and the layers :0) Keep up the great work!!!


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