Saturday, 29 December 2012

52 walks pt 1

I set myself the goal of taking one long walk each week throughout 2012.

And I did it.

I took my camera along and recorded every walk.  And there are recurrent themes: leaves, swans, mud, canals, muddy water and beaches.  I have chosen one photograph from each week: 26 today and 26 tomorrow.







Well done if you made this far.  I hope you have enjoyed a small sample of the hundreds of photos I took during these 26 walks.

I hope you will join me tomorrow for a roundup of the rest of the year.



  1. What lovely photos, and memories for you I should think! Good ambition, think I ought to join a walking group, or find a like minded person locally, don't fancy big walks by myself. Mainly for safety reasons. Keeeeeep walking!

  2. So pleased for you that you completed what you set out to do! I intended to do the same, I probably completed at least 26 walks but never got round to blogging them! There's always next year, maybe that will help with my effort to loose weight! Will have to look through your previous posts about your walks to find out where you visited! My favourite of the 26 is the dragonfly, you did so well to capture it!

    1. I haven't really shared the individual walks on my blog, Dawn. However you can find them all on Facebook.

  3. What beautiful scenery! Congratulations on meeting your goal! Love the photos you've shared!


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