Saturday, 22 December 2012

Arty Excitement for 2013

Well, despite signing up for too many classes in 2012 and promising myself I wouldn't do the same for 2013, 

guess what!

So here's a rundown of what I'm planning to do.

Journal Candy with Rachelle Panagarry

My Candy with Rachelle Panagarry

Lifebook 2013 with Willowing

A Journey of Fascination with Kat Sloma

21 Secrets with Connie Hozvicka

I would love it if you would join me in one, some or all of these.

Oh and please could someone make sure I don't sign up for anything else!!!


  1. I think you are unstoppable! That My Candy looks good though - off to investigate.

  2. This is your way of not telling me what you are signing up for? Actually though I knew all these! Bet you have signed up for some rl workshops as well haven't you? I am going to do some of these but I don't know which or how many.

    1. Well, in my defence, you weren't online yesterday. lol. But yes 2 workshops at Art from the Heart are booked in February

  3. Bernice- did you do the Lifebook with Willowing last year? I would love to know your thoughts I have contemplated taking that course so many times!

  4. What an interesting group of classes! I have a sketchbook, PSE and portrait class all still waiting to be done. So nothing new for me until I get those done. I also do best at classes that are about 3-4 weeks longer. Any longer, and I can't sustain the momentum.

  5. Golly, you are going to be busy and productive! Looking forward to seeing how they flow into your work - and the only suggestion I have for not joining more classes is to disable any Paypal accounts and lose your credit card! Hoping you have a wonderful time ...


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