Monday, 31 December 2012

Looking back at 2012

At the beginning of 2012 I set myself some goals.  I thought I should look back to see how I have got on. I set out goals in various areas of my life.
Soul and spirit:   friends, faith, fellowship, community
In this area I set myself 10 goals and I was successful in 3 of them.
Body:  fitness, diet, sleep
I set myself 6 goals here. I managed 1.5
Mind:   art, reading, Etsy, photography, blog   This area takes up most of my time.
I set 7 goals and gave up on most of them for a variety of reasons.
Read a book each week  Some weeks I read three and some months I didn't read at all.  However I did download about 400 books onto my Kindle App.  Perhaps I should read them!
I set 3 goals - 2 of which went by the wayside in the first week of January!
There were 4 goals for my Etsy shop.  I haven't given any time to it at all.  However I did make some journals and sell them at a Craft Fair.

2012 in focus
Looking back at the fact that I didn't achieve very many of my goals could be very depressing.  However I think one thing it proves is that I probably set too many goals and had signed up to things that really didn't suit me.  Or is that 2 things!?!

I took part in an online course called Ashes to Beauty at the beginning of the year and successfully completed it - although I have to admit I didn't actually finish it the way Nana Campana intended but I was pleased with what I found out about myself.   In addition I got to know quite a few lovely ladies including Anita Van Hal and Robin Norgren.  I already knew the lovely Carolyn Philips who I invited to join the journey with me.

As a result of meeting Anita and Robin, I have become part of Anita's Design Team and become the Art Journaling group coordinator on Anita's forum: Just Be Yourself

I received 4 hours of Life Coaching from Robin which enabled me to change my perspective on how I view myself and my work.  As a result I set up the blog: An Attitude of Gratitude and completed 30 days of gratitude prompts and a complete 30 days of a Gratitude Journal.  I'm pretty sure as well that prior to the coaching I would have become very depressed about my lack of completing the goals I set myself, so I have a great deal to thank Robin for. 
I also completed a 13 week series on my blog called Celebrating UK Artists.  If you haven't read the interviews yet you can find a link to them here.

I chose FOCUS as my One Little Word for 2012.  However I lost sight of it around the middle of the year along with the class I was doing with Ali Edwards on Big Picture Classes.

I’m going to try again for 2013 and I have chosen the word PRESENT.  I am going to look at being ‘present in the moment’ and the gifts that God has given me.  Come back in January to find out more.
Blog Button from Melanie at OnlyABreath

Prior to 2012 I rarely walked much more than from the front door to the car or around the supermarket and I set myself the goal of walking one long walk each week for this year.  It has been my most successful goal.   I completed a walk every week for 52 weeks and a few extra ones!!! If you haven't already, you can see a photograph from each week here and here.
from Walk 50 of 52.  Newgale Beach, Pembrokeshire

If you're interested in my goals for 2013, please come back tomorrow.

In the meantime I wish you a very Happy New Year.


  1. Wow, what a stunning picture that last one is. I should think that your photography has (excuse the pun) 'developed' over the past year. Best wishes with your goals for 2012. Think it may be a case of 'Less is More'??? EmmaG

  2. Sorry, that should of course be 2013!

  3. Firstly - WOW that photograph at the end is stunning.

    Secondly - I am blushing at being called lovely, and it has been a real encouragement to spend time chatting with you this year and I am so glad we managed to have the weekend retreat and the course with Kat together.

    Thirdly, I hope you aren't too discouraged when you look back at your goals for 2012, as your life took a different direction and what you have achieved is amazing. I loved the series of artists interviews and although I haven't finished my gratitude journal it was a fantastic thing to do and you put so much work into it.

  4. I love how you categorized your goals. This post was very inspiring...and that is a wonderful help and inspire others. Thanks.

    1. Thank you. I pinched the idea from Karen Grunberg

  5. Gorgeous last photo. Have enjoyed reading your blog during 2012 and look forward to seeing what you produce in2013. Your work is lovely.

  6. I love your year-end review. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished with your art and walks! You really set up a lot of goals. I want to check out my goal post from 2012 before I do my round-up.

  7. Beautiful pictures!

    Epiphany is my word for 2013. I'm excited to see God revealed in new ways as the year unfolds.


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