Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Being Present in 2013

If you read yesterday's post you will know that I didn't manage to achieve the goals I set myself partly because I set far too many.

So here are my 2013 goals - there's half the amount!

Soul and spirit:   friends, faith, fellowship, community
1.    Respond to comments on my blog
2.    Meet people for coffee occasionally
3.    Speak to people rather than just text or e-mail
4.    Spend time with God

Body:  fitness, diet, sleep
1.    Attend Rosemary Conley weekly
2.    Exercise three times a week
3.    Go for a long walk each week

Mind:   art, reading, photography
Take part in and finish
1.    Journal Candy (January)
2.    Lifebook 2013
3.    My Candy 2013
4.    21 secrets (April)

1.    Read a book each week
2.    Read the Bible every day

1.    Complete A Journey of Recognition
2.    Complete A Journey of Fascination  (10th Feb – 9th March)

Those of you who are really in to SMART goals will notice that quite a few of the list cannot be described as SMART.  They are not specific or measurable.  So perhaps I should describe them as desires for 2013.  Whether they are goals or desires I feel it's better to write them down so that I know what I am aiming for. 

What would you like to achieve in 2013?


  1. Good intentions for this year Bernice. Looking forward to reading all about your journey though this year.

  2. I chose a word but no real resolutions; I might change that . . . at least in terms of completing some of the classes I've purchased/working with the books I bought.

  3. They all sound good - I still cant muster up the enthusiasm to makes some goals - maybe later in the year I will.....

  4. Good intentions, but don't be hard on yourself.


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