Monday, 21 January 2013

And the last two

My last two pages of intentions for My Candy are

9. Spending less time on the computer (which really means less time on Facebook)

and 10. Giving myself treats along the way.  My biggest treat is that in the Spring I'm going to Florida for 10 days to stay with my lovely friends.

Welcome to any new followers.  I really appreciate you making the time to look in here.

Thanks for popping by



  1. What great pages and really good values, I hope your trip is a great source of inspiration

  2. Great pages and fully understand the need to spend less time on the computer (visiting blogs and Facebook). I really do want to spend more time DOING things this year too.

  3. All of your pages are great - nice to see the mojo has returned in full swing! Try and send some my way if you can spare any.....

  4. Just had a scoot around your blog and you are making some wonderful pieces of art there. Really must sit and soak up your ideas and techniques more, but I guess I'll be doing that all next month. Roll on Saturday week. BJ


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