Monday, 7 January 2013

Getting inky

Over the past few days I've been getting inky and painty.  And here's what I've been up to.

All for the My Candy class

A jigsaw piece

A list of intentions for 2013 and some encouraging quotes of my word: Present

And a page for each intention


So 3 intention pages down and 7 to go.  I'm having lots of fun.

Thanks for popping by.


  1. Does look like you are having fun. I think intention no. 10 is very important.
    Love the jigsaw piece - making me think about a jigsaw I have sat here.

  2. Oooh you have been busy - this is great and I love everything on the previous post too :)

  3. WOW!!! These are amazing! No wonder you're having fun!

  4. Love the puzzle piece and the art journaling. Some of your list of intentions are the same as mine. Good luck this year and I look forward to your quarterly challenges.

  5. Beautiful! Love your intentions as a whole and separately with dedicated pages.

  6. Hi Bernice
    I love the idea of an intention and fav quotes book, it would make a wonderful thing to look back at at the end of the year.

  7. Love all of these pages! So beautiful!


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