Friday, 3 May 2013

Flower of the Month

This month's flower of the month on 12 Months in View is the Bluebell.

The challenge was to make a bluebell page.  Susan Ernst had previously given us a tutorial on how to 'draw' flowers and I used this same technique.

I downloaded the colouring page of bluebells and rubbed a pencil over the back.  I drew over the image transferring it to my sketchbook.

Using the Shaded Lilac Re-inker and some water I painted in the flowers.  I found I was better able to get the shading if I painted the shape with water and then added the colour.  When it was dry I put the highlights in with undiluted colour.

I coloured in the stem and leaves with a watercolour pencil and then washed over it with water.

I diluted some of the re-inker so that it was only just blue and washed it over the page.  The paper isn't for watercolour so it buckled.

When it was all totally dry I outlined it all with a black pen.

If you haven't joined in yet with 12 Months in View.  It isn't too late to join.

Thanks for popping by.


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