Friday, 18 October 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude 2013

Last year for the month of November I ran a challenge blog, An Attitude of Gratitude, where participants found a quote, a Bible verse, an inspirational video, some journaling prompts and an art technique challenge.   Those who completed the thirty days had a complete journal.

These are some of my pages.

And I am pleased to announce that there is a new blog for 2013: An Attitude of Gratitude 2013.

Each day throughout November there will be blog posts much like last year's blog - which is still available if you wish to work through that one.  The major difference is that this year instead of a different technique every day there are a series of techniques allocated to a number of days and you can choose which of them to use on a particular day.

Of course, you don't have to art journal to take part.  You can use the quote, the verse and the journaling prompts and scrapbook, blog, make notes, sew or just think.  Have a look at how Valerie interpreted the challenge last year.

So do have a look at the new blog challenge at An Attitude of Gratitude 2013 and I hope you will join in.  It would be great to have you there.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I loved doing it last year. Here's a link to my pages and thoughts on the project:


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