Monday, 28 October 2013

Nearly November

It's almost the end of October but there's still time to decide to join in with An Attitude of Gratitude for the month of November.

Nip over to the blog to find out more.

Here are some sneak peeks from my journal.

I do hope you'll join us for a month long look at gratitude.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love the colors you are using! I always enjoy seeing what you are doing. It inspires me!

  2. Looking forward to it Bernice. I need some playful time so I will use this as my focus. I signed up for stencil play today so that will keep me inspired too.

  3. I adore your cross type stencil, you'll have to tell me the name and make.

  4. Love this idea of a month long look at gratitude, Bernice.
    Your artwork above is GORGEOUS!
    Looking forward to following your posts. :)

  5. The colours on your pages are fabulous. I think I'm going to join in this year as I need to have something to focus on creatively on the dark evenings

  6. These are just fabulous, and likely my lovely pal, Suzy, I am looking forward to something to do on a dark cold evening!

  7. I love oranges too, so thankful!

  8. There us a definite colour theme going on here.


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