Wednesday, 23 April 2014

An update of the update or what happened to the planner?

Firstly, the update of the update as promised yesterday.   I left you with this picture.

My planner was already bulging and we are only on week 17 of 52 so having looked at some photos in the Facebook group of how people had performed surgery on their planners I took the plunge.  Here is the planner before surgery and how it had looked before starting the Document Life Project.

When I removed the cover there was a paper binding and on removing that I found a heavily glued webbing which I also cut through which left me with the covers and 5 sections of the book.

At this point some anxiety set in!

I tried not to panic!

I had some repair tissue which is actually intended for repairing books so with some Heavy Gel Medium I attached the tissue over the 5 sections of the book and stood it up between two objects so that it could dry.

Then I came to write this post, so at this point you are as wise as me whether any of this going to work.  I do hope so because this planner is one of the few things I've worked on where I've liked what I've done at the time rather than when I come back to it sometime later!

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

The glue dried on the tissue.  By the way in the States it's called Japanese tissue.  It's stronger than ordinary tissue paper and doesn't mind getting wet.  In the UK you can buy it from Crafty Notions.

Still using the Heavy Gel Medium I glued the covers to the planner.

Then I cut a piece of sticky backed canvas and wrapped that around the book.  It will stick to the covers but not to the spine.  And later I can paint it if I wish.

Inside there were pages that had parted company.

But I went through with tissue tape and repaired them.

And what a relief!  The planner is back in working order.  I think I may have to keep an eye on it as it fills up but as you know I have plenty of washi tape to repair it with!

Now I'm off to alter another book for my new project The Art of Practising Gratitude.  You can join in too!  I would love it if you did.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I knew you were an amazing surgeon. This is a fab save. I wonder how many people are out there with broken spines, bulging DLP's and not a clue what to do. Hopefully they will find your post.

  2. Looks wonderful! I think I would have been lazy and opted for rings - ha.....

  3. Oh so glad the planner went back together OK you look like you've done an amazing job!

  4. Been and had a look at your link, but can't comment as it's for 'team members only' - just wanted to say it reminded me of my rocking your world posts on a Friday and I love the creative slant you've given it!

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I have changed the setting.

  5. Wow! I'm totally impressed. I would have FREAKED when the book came apart in 5 sections!!!!

  6. You are a BRAVE woman. I think I'm going to wait until mine just pops open. Might want to go ahead and get the tissue now tho! Thanks for sharing this with us.


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