Thursday, 17 April 2014

#100happydays: 16/100

I have been watching various of my friends sharing their #100happydays photos but didn't feel motivated to join in.  However in the One Little Word Facebook group one of the ladies who has been going through a bad time invited us to join with her in taking photos for 100 days.

As I had already been in contact with her via a 'word' swap I decided I would join in and started on April 1st.  I decided I would take all the photos with my iPhone in a square format.  I really haven't mastered taking good photos with the iPhone so some of the photos are not as sharp as I would like them to be.

Day 1:  Dinner at Cracker Barrel, Viera, Florida

Day 2: Statue of children playing at the Viera Mall.  I bought some great trousers and a top at Chico's.

Day 3: Art playdate with Diane, an Internet friend who I spent the day with.

Day 4: Attending a birthday party for my dear friend Suki.  It was a Duck Dynasty themed party.

Day 5: A selection of the Washi tape I found at various stores: Michaels, JoAnn's, Office Depot.

Day 6:  I travelled to Georgia to visit another Internet friend.  This is her home in the woods in the Appalachian Mountains.

Day 7: Blossom on Pear Trees during a day out in Georgia and North Carolina.

Day 8: An art date in Chattanooga included seeing the Chattanooga Choo Choo

Day 9: Back in Florida with my home-from-home church family.

Day 10: A healthy dinner with Betsy

Day 11: My pretty room at the Retreat Center

Day 12: The ladies using their notebooks that I had shown them how to make.

Day 13: My favourite place to stay in Florida.  Kenny & Betsy's home

Day 14: More shopping.  A friend got me the 1000 sheets of Deli paper.

Day 15: The view from my table for lunch at Squid Lips, Eau Gallie.  On my way to the airport.

Day 16: Back home

I hope you have enjoyed the photos from my first 16 days of #100happydays.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, Bernice! All of you photos bring me happiness, just looking at them. You are a strong Christian warrior and a wonderful inspiration to me. Thank you so much!!


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