Monday, 21 April 2014

My last day in Florida

My last day in Florida involved a last trip to Michaels to buy a gift for a friend - I'd had to wait until I was packed to see if I could fit any more within the luggage allowance.   I was actually 2Kg under!

Then I visited the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts at Florida Institute of Technology.  They had this Ceremonial Robe on display.

 Just outside the Gallery is the Botanical Garden, so despite the heat I went for a walk around it.


There were quotes on some of the benches.

I thought of you, Hilary Beattie, when I took this photo.



And when I got back to the car, which I had parked in the shade this is what it said.  94F.  That's 34.5C.  HOT!   I always tune the radio in the rental car to Z88 - a Christian channel.

Then I drove to Eau Gallie to have lunch at Squid Lips.  It is on the edge of the Indian River.  Sadly there weren't the usual Pelicans.


I started driving to the airport stopping off again at the Viera Mall.  The clouds were gathering and the radio kept interrupting the programme with severe weather warnings of Thunderstorms and 60 mph winds.

 I started driving up I-95 and the heavens opened and the rain poured down.

Just after I took this last photo (yes I know it was dangerous to be driving and taking a photo) the rain increased and I couldn't see the road in front of me.  I took the next exit after that and parked in a fast food car park until the rain stopped.   I got back on the I-95 and then onto US528 when the rain started again.  I was driving quite slowly - 55 mph in a 70 limit - when a large truck overtook me and the spray and the rain meant I couldn't see anything at all.  I have never been so frightened.  You can imagine how much I was praying.

The rain stopped as suddenly as it had begun and the road was totally dry for the last 5 miles to the airport.  Thank goodness.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh that sounds like a difficult journey back to the airport, glad you managed it safely. Loving the quotes from the benches!

  2. Great pics Bernice. Pity you didn't have your Gelli plate with you for all those leaves! :-)

  3. What a journey! Lots of wonderful photos and. Love the quotes, esp the e e cummings


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