Sunday, 30 March 2014


Today is Mothering Sunday in the UK.  This is not quite the same as Mother's Day in the US and Australia.

"Children and young people who were "in service" (as household servants) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families (or, originally, return to their "mother" church). The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place in the church or give to their mothers. Eventually, the religious tradition evolved into the Mothering Sunday secular tradition of giving gifts to mothers.Wikipedia

I had a lovely FaceTime call with Andy & Naomi in Australia.

And I've played with my Gelli Plate.  I wondered what would happen if I used my Ranger Distress ReInkers and a foam roller.  These are all the colours I have.

I put 3 colours on the plate and used the foam roller to push the ink around the plate.  It doesn't look as though you have much ink when it's spread about but there's lots in the sponge so you can keep applying ink from the roller without adding more ink from the bottle.

This is on cartridge paper with the Stencil Girl Random Circles stencil.

And this is on Deli Paper

A change of colour and a bigger roller with the ink spread on the plate.

I put bubble wrap onto the inked plate and then 'stamped' it onto paper.

This was the print off the plate.

I used some chipboard feathers as a mask on the plate but the print didn't take well.

 However the print from the plate was better.

I tried using fresh leaves but this didn't work too well as I was too impatient.

I inked the plate and put screwed up cling film on.

 Which gave me this.

I had tried putting the alphabet roller through the ink on the plate but nothing happened with the print but I was able to roll the stamp on a piece of cartridge paper.  Then I used that and another piece of paper to clean the gelli plate.

I put green ink on the plate with a Stencil Girl Circle Tile stencil and took a print using the paper which is above on the right.

I carried on taking prints on top of the already printed paper.  Some work better than others.

It was great to play and now I have quite a few backgrounds to play about with.  I think the results I got looked better on the cartridge paper.  Will have to have another 'what if?' day sometime soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

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