Saturday, 1 March 2014


Today I have played with acrylic paints, stencils and a variety of papers and cotton fabrics.   I limited myself to 2 shades of turquoise, a lime green, a yellow and a white in the paints AND let the colours dry in between.

I selected a variety of my large stencils and the small versions of the same ones if I had them  and then randomly stencilled on the papers and fabrics.

On brown wrapping paper

On fabrics

This is the table cloth where I was working.

And then I mixed up some Indigo procion dye and painted the papers

The brown paper

And the tablecloth again.

I have mixed up some manutex to mix with the indigo dye so that I can dye the fabrics but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. that looks a VERY successful playing session .. just gorgeous - will you be bringing them all to MIP session 2? xx

  2. You HAVE been having fun there.
    I had an attack of lazyitis today I'm ashamed to say. Think I will go and mix some Manutex before I make the supper.

  3. fabulous, love the colours and the patterns too, looks like you had lots of fun
    I love to see what you get upto with your paints etc


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