Sunday, 23 March 2014

Make It Personal Session 2 Day 2

Don't worry! You haven't missed Day 1.  I did so much printing over the two days of the class that I am doing 2 posts but prefer what I did on day 2 so starting with that.  I posted about Session 1 here.

Session 2 was called Rubbings, Monoprints and Resists.

On the second day we used Gelli plates to print onto paper and fabric.  As usualy I didn't follow the instructions so whereas Hilary said to take print once or at a pinch twice onto the same piece of paper I did more.  And here are the results. Be prepared for a lot of photos.

Printed on brown paper

Printed on repair tissue

I used a bit of this in my sketchbook.

In copy paper or fabric.


 Some of the prints were dyed with fabric dye afterwards but those with very little white showing were left as they were.

Thanks for stopping by.

PS: I'll show you the other rubbings and printing tomorrow.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. It makes me realise that I need to take photos as i go along. Some gorgeous work here.

  2. These are wonderful! Can this Yank ask what you mean by "repair tissue"? :) Cheers!

  3. Mel it's a type of tissue that retains its strength when wet and takes its name from its usage in the repair of books. It seems to be also called Japanese tissue paper.


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