Saturday, 25 July 2015

TMD: Honour week 4

Take Me Deeper is a weekly Bible Study from His Kingdom Come.  Each month we have a theme and the theme for July is Honour.

I wrote the prompts for this month with the aid of the series Rob Davey brought at Jubilee Church and a talk by Becky Webb on what it means to encounter the Kingdom of God like a child.   You can listen to Rob's Talks here.

Last week's theme was Honouring God.  This week we are looking at Honouring Others.

As before I glued the bible pages to the journal page with gesso and sprayed a turquoise Color Bloom spray ink through a map stencil.  Then I scraped modelling paste through a stencil to represent the living water of the Spirit.

Whilst I was thinking of the body being many parts that are joined together it made me think of a jigsaw.  I have a large chipboard jigsaw (yet to be altered) so I drew round the pieces.

I printed out the verse and glued it down.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love the texture and the puzzle pieces! Awesome job....

  2. This is beautiful, Bernice. I am your newest blog follower.

  3. The textures are fabulous and I like the use of the puzzle theme to convey the message.


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