Saturday 19 December 2015

Advent Study

I wrote the prompts for the Advent Study at His Kingdom Come for December 17th and today.

The first one, Gloria, was based on the song: Angels I have heard on High

This is the art work I did for it.

And the second prompt I wrote is based on this song

And the artwork

Why not check out His Kingdom Come?  There are big plans for Take Me Deeper in 2016.
Take Me Deeper-DNA™ is a free weekly journey at His Kingdom Come beginning Friday, January 1 2016.   Take Me Deeper-DNA™ is a bi-weekly devotional that will prompt us to spend time in God's word.   Each devotional week you will get the opportunity to translate the bible study into art. Every Friday HKC will post a verse, devotional, worship video and examples of how we interpreted the bible study in our art.  The weeks that do not have a devotion, a "creative prompt" will be provided by a guest artist. The creative prompt will be based on an "I am" statement that will help us go deeper in finding out our "DNA" in Christ.

It is free to join the His Kingdom Come community.  Sign up here and then Join the TMD study.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on both devotionals, including your art, Bernice. Hugs, Teresa


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