Wednesday, 23 December 2015

What have you signed up to do in 2016?

If you've been reading my blog for a long while you will know that I had/have the tendency to sign up for online classes.  I tried very hard this year not to do too many because
  1. I was rather busy with other things and
  2. I hardly ever finish the classes
I am currently doing a class called Creative+Practice and today is the start of week 6 of 8 weeks and I am totally up to date.

At the beginning of the class we were asked to write our intentions for the class and I wrote 'I intend to finish the class'.  I'm patting myself on the back that I have got this far - I've got beyond the point where I normally give up.

So maybe that's the key thing when starting a new online class - commit to finishing it!   Sometimes with me it's even the case that I need to commit to starting it.

Currently I have signed up to do several classes in 2016 but maybe I'll just hold a watching brief over some of them and do my own thing rather than follow slavishly along and then feel bad when I fall by the wayside.

So what is on offer?  There's Take Me Deeper-DNA and Logos365 on His Kingdom Come.  Both of these are free and I will probably amalgamate them with other things that I might do.  Fortnightly on TMD-DNA there is a technique prompt and an I Am statement which I hope to play along with.  (For my US readers - fortnight means 2 weeks).

In January I am planning to follow a free bible study and a short art journaling course from Jeanne Oliver.   The Bible study, Listening:Finding the Quiet, is a four week study all about finding the quiet in each day and hearing the voice of God.  The art journaling course, Reflections, is a 'two week art journaling online course all about unraveling your own story and creating authentic art that only you can tell'.

Fortunately the art journaling class starts the week after Creative+Practice finishes.

Also in January I've signed up for Creative Jumpstart.   This isn't really a class as such.  There are 25 downloadable videos with various teachers showing techniques.  You can keep the videos as a reference library for when you are stuck for an idea.

So that brings me to the year long classes or workshops that I've signed up for.   I really like learning techniques and learning about different products so Wanderlust was a must for me.

One Little Word is a monthly class from Ali Edwards which I have done in previous years and will probably combine with Logos365.

I'm going to dip in and out of Documented Life Project - the unplanner.  I enjoyed parts of Documented Life Project in 2014 especially the fact that I combined my one little word with it.

And finally starting on January 6th, there's Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament - a Bible Study that I am working on with Simon Clay from Jubilee Church.  This is a free weekly bible study with optional creative responses.

Have I taken on too much?  Probably.

Will I complete it all?  Possibly not.

Will I enjoy it?  Definitely.

What have you committed to doing in 2016?

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. A great post Bernice, a girl of my own heart. I have done lots this year, I signed up for Ali Edwards and don't think I opened one link so I won't subscribe to that again. I will however choose one word and use it in my own way.
    Like you I have signed up for Wanderlust and I'm going to be thoughtful about what else I sign up for. I too have a tendency to not complete (or even start!) I have so many half began book projects JYC 2014 and 2015, and online classes I paid for but not completed. So rather than jump in I want to watch the videos I have downloaded and not bite off more than I can chew. I want to do less in order to do more.
    I need to sit on my excitement sometimes and book time in my diary to finish things I started. No doubt this won't always work but I'm hoping to start running online classes this year so I need to focus time on this as well.

  2. The Jeanne Oliver art journaling class looks interesting, but I"m only taking free classes for a while. LOL!
    I signed up for a Lightroom class so I can get back to photography and photo editing. I still have Still Life photography class to finish from last year and hope to follow along with a few free art journaling classes I have seen.


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