Friday, 4 December 2015

Gelli Print Series

Recently I took part in a Gelli Print swap in a group I belong to on Facebook: Gelatin Printing Enthusiasts.  We were asked to swap up to a maximum of 10 gelli prints.  I was paired with a lady in Bulgaria.

I decided that I would make a set of 10 prints in a series.  I sorted out three 12"x12" stencils, six 9"x12" stencils and six 6"x6" stencils.  I found a couple of plastic canvas shapes and limited myself to a colour palette.

Then I played.


I think I like this one best.

I scanned them into my computer so that I could print them out and use them too.

And the best thing about Gelli prints is that if Irena doesn't like any of them she can always print over the top.  Yeah!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Fabulous set of prints, look forward to seeing what you get in return

  2. You amaze me...a swap of 10 with all the other stuff you do? And b-t-w...these are fabulous! You are inspiring!

  3. Hi Bernice! I just received these amazing prints! It is difficult for me to choose a favorite, but I like 8-th very much. Thank you so much! I hope you will like my prints.

  4. Wonderful! I haven't played with my Gelli plate for ages and now want to get it out!!
    I like the idea of limiting the colour palate and working with a certain number of stencils, it's so easy to get overwhelmed by choice otherwise. A good tip.

  5. I agree, I like the bottom one best. I could soooooooooooooo use that in the digital scrapbook!


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