Friday, 1 January 2016

My word for 2016

Over recent years I have chosen a word for the year that I focus on.  I shared about my word for 2015 last December.

The word for 2015 was Thirst.  And it really didn't grab me.  I did some journal pages for the first three months.



But to be honest, my heart wasn't in it and at the beginning of April I gave up on it altogether.

I have spent most of 2015 being really busy helping to run His Kingdom Come.   You can read about how I became to be involved with HKC at A Story & a Giveaway (the giveaway is now closed!) and I expected to be involved with it still through 2016.  In fact we started discussing Take Me Deeper - DNA back in April.

However towards the end of October I began to feel that it was time for me to move on.

Several times in my ministry career I have worked on things that God has asked me to do – setting up new ministries, organising conferences and even helping set up a new company – and then passing them on to others to run.   To be sure that I was hearing correctly about HKC, I asked a friend to pray for me without saying the reason why and she said ‘You are gifted and know sometimes things are for seasons.’    This confirmed for me that the season was ending for me with regard to the Foundation Team at His Kingdom Come.

But giving up something that is successful without God saying what is next is bittersweet and I'm not good at just resting or not knowing what is coming next.

So what is next for me?  And what is my word for 2016?

Regular readers will know that I am involved in a new weekly online Bible study from my church: Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament.   And that I have signed up for rather a lot of online classes.

And my word?

I'll explain why in another post on Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. So sad to see you go but I'm excited on where your going next. Can't wait to hear more about your word.

  2. The pages you did for THIRST are excellent. I know what you mean about doing things in seasons. You sounds like you are often a catalyst for ministries and that role should not be under-estimated. Five years ago a friend agreed to start a mid-week children's ministry with me - the first of its kind in our church. My husband came on board for our technical support. Very soon after we began, my friend discovered that it was too much for her, on top of running her own business. She felt very badly, but the truth is I would not have had to courage to begin on my own. Without the other lady on board, my husband soon stepped up and began to discover his own leadership abilities and passion for children's ministry. Now in our 5th year, we have a leadership team that consists of: 3 leaders (self & DH included) for our original group, age 6-12; 2 leaders for age 3-5; 1 adult leader and 1 helper for age 0-2; and two (Husband & wife) leaders for a parents/grandparents group. Our groups all meet on the same evening and same times. The youth also meet on this same night so we have started calling it "Family Night".

    My friend who dropped out so quickly may feel that she failed somehow (I hope not), but I know that without her none of this would ever have started. I hope you know that every future success of HKC is a legacy which might not be accept for you helping to get it started.

    Many blessings to you in 2016. Happy New Year!

  3. It is hard to give something up that has energy and a future. But I know what you mean. Sometimes things run their course and you know it is time to do something different. I made the same decision over my being a design team member. Lisa who runs the shop has progressed to demonstrating her MDF on tv, and who knows what opportunities could have come? But I decided I want to focus on my own work, and you know the time is right to move on. Good luck with what comes ahead.

  4. What a unique and wonderful word!


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