Friday, 15 July 2016

Finding Sanctuary 2

I had hoped to spend more time at the three day workshop on actually assembling things but I didn't get round to that until the last hour or so of day two.

I worked on a zigzag book.  I glued all the bits of collage items down and was able to add a few stitches to it later that evening at the hotel.

On the last day I collaged a series of 8 inch squares.  They could become a book or a hanging - I'm not sure yet.  What I do know is that they all look a bit flat and need some 'jushing' (I don't know how to spell that but say it out loud and you will know what I mean!)

And here we all are at the end of the workshop.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I love your accordion book Bernice, you did well to go home with a finished project when if it does mean adding details. Your 8 pages look good and will make a lovely hanging or book, look forward to seeing what you make with these.

  2. Both are so beautiful - restful and reflective of a beach. If I were jushing it up - I think I would add gold metallic thread sunrays to them. Sewing would keep with the sketchy theme and gold is a true jusher! LOL


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