Friday, 29 July 2016

Scavenger Hunt update

I am taking part in Rinda's summer Photo Scavenger Hunt and my first post was here.

Here is my next collection.

1 A 'wild' heart

2 A footprint or pawprint
This one is way 'out of the box'.  The tutor on a workshop I was at calls her hands 'paws' and she made this pawprint!

6  A camper (caravan)

7 A family gathering
I don't have many family members so here is my church family having lunch together.

9 Someone playing with, in, or around water

11 Fresh produce

13 The moon

15 A team logo

 18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries

19 A seasonal drink
A mojito - although to be honest I would drink this anytime I found one on the menu.

And Alternative 1: A lighthouse
I managed to see two different ones on my recent trip

I've really enjoyed the scavenger hunt so far and I have very few left to find.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lovely shots Bernice. Like you I am saving scavenger hunt photos to post on my blog, I like seeing them this way and I smiles when I saw the paw print.

  2. More good snapsshots, well done.


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