Monday, 11 July 2016

Finding Sanctuary 1

Last week I spent three days at The Bramble Patch on a workshop led by Hilary Beattie.  As ever Hilary was bouncing with enthusiasm - and this time sported bunny ears!

I really tried to pack lightly for the 3 days knowing that Hilary takes everything for us to use but still managed to have all this with me.  The sewing machine never left the car!

I painted papers and fabrics.  I used my specially made thermofax screens.  I dyed papers and fabrics and also worked into a sketchbook. I took the fabrics that I printed at Liske's Print & Dye class.

Some sketchbook pages - ready to be worked into

My friend Sandie was doing the workshop with me and she and her husband were staying in their camper van at a site on the side of the canal.  A family of ducks and ducklings visited them each day and one morning when I picked up Sandie there was this swan family.

On Friday I'll show you the things I started to make during the last day of the workshop.

Thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. What fun we had Bernice and I love the photos of the cygnets - it's beautiful! So much appreciated you picking me up and your company. Looking forward to another workshop with you and seeing more of your work from Sanctuary.


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