Saturday, 31 December 2016

December Daily

December Daily is intended to last from December 1st to December 25th and to chronicle a story each day.  However my book is more of a diary and less about the story.

I am really pleased to say that I have finished the book to December 25th.  Here are my pages from December 18th.

I chose a photo a day from the last week to put in the pockets on the left.

December 18th

December 19th

December 20th

December 21st

December 22nd

December 23rd

December 24th

December 25th

I am going to include photos from December 26th to 31st.  I have put two page protectors in the binder ready and will put all of those in tomorrow.

Thank you so much for following along with my December Daily and with my blog over this year.  I have enjoyed your company and your comments.

Here's to 2017.


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. We always seem to forget to take photos in the general excitement of all being together


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