Saturday, 17 December 2016

Only 4 days this time

Last December Daily blog post I showed you 7 days all in one go which seemed rather a lot, so this time I'm only showing you 4 days.  Although there does still seem to be a lot of photos.

I changed quite a few of the pages around and moved some of the pages into a different order.  The first few photos show the foundation pages and the next sequence shows what I did with them.

Our neighbours moved out on Day 8.  The photo of the removal van lifts up and the journaling is underneath.

I included the lights from some of the other houses in the road for day 8.  The photos didn't turn out as well as I had hoped so I collaged all 3 sets of lights into one photo.

There wasn't a story for day 9.  On day 10 my small group from church got together for our first ever brunch.

We had a lovely time.

I moved the tree acetate and put day 11 before the diary page.  The photos tell the story.

We have put the Christmas Tree in the conservatory as our 17 month old grandson is coming to stay.  I printed the photo and cut it into 4 pieces to put in the pockets but I cut them the wrong size.  I decided rather than reprint the photo I would stick the pieces back together on the outside of the page protector.

I also wrapped some presents that day.  I've never been so well prepared for Christmas!

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Your book is looking great. You will have so many happy memories kept here.


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