Monday, 17 April 2017

The road trip begins.

Have you read part one of my trip?  Great!  Here's part 2.  The road trip begins.

I flew into Orlando where I met up with my friend Elaine.  How do you know Elaine I hear you ask!  Well (deep breath) she is from England and she is my daughter-in-law's sister's mother-in-law.  Or is this a better description, she's my son's wife's sister's husband's mother.  I bet you wish you hadn't asked!

Anyway, we picked up the hire car and drove to a hotel at Palm Coast.  Getting in and out of this car I managed to bang my head.  In the morning we discovered that the car was a Jaguar SE and I'm sure Hertz felt this was an upgrade.  It was lovely to drive once you had worked out how not to bang your head.

Let's get to the photos.

It was a long drive to Charleston - through northern Florida, across the whole of Georgia and into South Carolina.  We stopped off at Magnolia Plantation before going to the hotel.

This was the plantation house which we didnt go inside.

However I pressed the camera to the window to get this.

The grounds were beautiful.  Lots of water and bridges.  Sadly the camellias and azaleas were over.

We spotted this alligator

Walked through a bamboo grove

And as we were going back to the car park, saw the slave cabins which were built well away from the main house - so the owner couldn't see them.

The next day we drove into Charleston.  Mary had mentioned a walk you could do through gardens and graveyards so we tried that out.

The road trip was part of the celebration of Elaine's 60th birthday later this year.  So as a birthday treat we went on a horsedrawn carriage ride around Charleston.  It was the best hour of the whole road trip.

We loved all the different styles of architecture.  We walked around a little more.  We went to the park to see the famous pineapple fountain.

This was the interior of a shopping mall

And a last look at the architecture as we drove out of Charleston.

Our next stop is Hilton Head Island and on to Savannah.

Join me on Friday for that!

Thanks for stopping by.

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